Ysgol Hafan y Môr

Welcome to Ysgol Hafan y Môr

Gyda’n gilydd, anelwn at frig y don!

Mission Statement

(Focus on today)

To create a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment where all members of the school community can gain confidence and develop their full potential.

Mission Statement

Our school is a family. We are a team who helps each other reach our full potential. Our school family has a focus on creating an environment that ensures all individuals are capable, healthy, creative, and informed whilst also having a strong focus on everyone’s well-being. Ysgol Hafan Y Môr prides itself on being inclusive and accessible to all whilst ensuring keeping an open mind and always being fair. We have high expectations in standards and striving to do your best in addition to always showing respect, kindness, compassion, considerations and being honest. We are proud of our nationality, culture and heritage and are the active hub of the Welsh community. Our goal is that our children are ambitious, capable and ready to learn whilst also seek opportunities, and contribute as 21st century citizens. 

General Objectives

Offer a happy environment that supports all members of the school community to reach their full potential;

Ensure that all pupils feel safe, supported, and confident whilst offering equal opportunities to all;

Focus on personal well-being, an ethos of lifelong learning and successful independent skills;

Provide a broad curriculum full of rich tasks that ensures raising standards and raising active and knowledgeable citizens;

Offer Welsh-medium education that will enable each child to achieve equal proficiency in Welsh and English by the end of their primary journey;

Ensure everyone works to enable each child to achieve their full potential in the Basic Skills, Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and thinking skills;

To enable each child to develop their own cultural identity and at the same time promote and respect their understanding of other cultures;

Have a close open environment that includes parents, the community and all our stakeholders.

The video shows the opening day of the school in 2016. Since then the school has grown substantially with over 230 pupils attending the school and a full Cylch Meithrin (pre-school provision)! Around 92% of pupils come from non-Welsh-speaking households and leave school as bilingual citizens.